Broomfield Care Homecare Services

Caring For You In The Place You Love

01452 730888

Autumn Newsletter 2023

Autumn Updates 🍂

It’s been a busy couple of months here at Broomfield Care HQ.

The first major event has been the office move. We haven’t been able to update everyone as it happened much quicker than expected due to a unit becoming available almost overnight!

We are still located at the Innsworth technology park, just in a much bigger unit; It needed an awful lot of modifications which took about 6 weeks, but they are finally completed and we love our new home. ❤

We are editing a Tik Tok video as I write this, so you hopefully can have a birds eye view of the progress!

Baby Esme 👼

Next, we are delighted to inform you that Sarah had her baby on Tuesday. Both Mum and baby are doing great! Esme is such a cutie and Evie is super excited to be a big sister.

We wish you all the best on Maternity leave and no doubt will see you soon.

Quite a few people guessed the weight correct. There are 5 bottles of last Christmas’ mulled wine that you have won as a prize hahaha

The winners are… Claire Carpenter, Julie Pentony, Jackie Staite, Jess Sterry, Emma Wheeler.

Promotions here at Broomfield

It’s so nice for us to share the new promotions that have happened over the past few months.

Charlotte Greener has been promoted to our very own Care Manager. She has been formally doing the job for the past month, working alongside Sarah during the handover period.

However, this week she’s officially the Broomfield Care Manager. Congratulations on your promotion and I look forward to working with you.

A note from Charlotte:

‘I joined Broomfield in 2021 as Deputy Manager and have spent this time getting to know our service users and staff as much as possible, It was an absolute privilege to be asked this year to step up and into (some extremely large shoes) to become Care Manager.
I’m ready for the next challenge and strive to be that supportive and positive influence to enable us to assist and care for even more adults in Gloucestershire.’

We would also like to share several more movers and shakers within the business over the past few months:

Louise Newman is now our new Deputy Manager.

Jess Sterry is now our new Assistant Deputy Manager.

Jess Ennett has become our Field care supervisor.

Karleigh is our second Field Care supervisor- she has been with us for 4 months now.

Sharon Middlemore has been back for a while now; she has been covering the rotas for the past few months, however we do have plans for her to head recruitment in the coming months, which will be exciting!

We also have a new admin assistant, Madeline- she has joined the team for two days a week, to help us keep on top of everything and, as a younger person, maybe bring us up to speed with things! That’s me I’m talking about! Younger people are so much better at this Tech stuff than me!

We also have new carers we need to introduce some of the guys that have been with us a while and some that are brand new. Just wanted to say a formal welcome to the team, guys:

Zane, Sophie, Teresa, Mel, Claire, Natalie, Catly

We are currently recruiting for a full time Rota Ordinator-we have someone in mind- but do have a few more interviews next week. Hopefully, we will be able to finalise our decision by next Friday and bring them on board. Watch this space………………….

Finally, Farewells ………….

We are really sad to say Goodbye to a few members of staff.  Carol Hicks and Sian have decided to leave the company. They will be sadly missed – do keep in touch though xxx

Broomfield Care

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