Broomfield Care Homecare Services

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broomfield care homecare services care line live blog gloucester

Our New IT System- Care Line Live!💻

Hello Everyone! It is very important that you read this blog as it details all about our new IT system!


💻Why are We Changing the IT System?

Currently, we run on a system called CareForIT, however this company has been purchased by the larger organisation CareLineLive, which is why we are switching systems. On top of this, we have had several issues with CareForIt in the recent months surrounding loading times and efficiency, so we can’t wait to move to this new system!

💻What’s the Difference Between the Old System and the New One?

Well, there isn’t that much of a difference! The systems do have a different layout and slightly different names for some of the information, but at its core, they are about the same thing- you can still access the same details as before, like care schedules and notes.

❗One of the big differences we would like to point out though, is about notes- on the current system, you can leave notes and it sends them to our management team, however CareLineLive doesn’t have this function, so if you need to send us any written information, it will need to be emailed across to

💻Where has the Old Information Gone?

As much data as possible has been copied across to the new system, so we shouldn’t need to rely on the old system at all. Our Management and Admin team has been working hard these past few months to ensure everything has been transferred across, so there’s nothing you need to do as a client/relative. We have also archived so much information, so we can assure you nothing has been destroyed unnecessarily.

💻Is there still a Family Portal?

CareLineLive also has a family portal, which clients and family can see the same information you can currently see on the old portal. We will be sending out invitations soon to everyone who currently has an account with CareForIt so they can set up their new account with CareLineLive, so keep an eye on your mailbox and bookmark this article!

If you do not currently have access to the current portal, but would like access to the new one, please contact the office so we can get an invitation link sent out to you.

💻How Do I Get Set Up on the New System?

Once you have received your invitation, you will need to create your own account- if you access the portal through google/a search engine, rather than the app, make sure to bookmark the page once logged in as everyone has their own unique URL.

The main homepage should show you upcoming and past visits, with a summary of the visits including their intended time, type and number of carers and tasks. By tapping on the individual visits, this will bring up the visits details, which will show the following:

  • Time of Visit
  • Type of Visit
  • The Attending Carer(s)
  • Tasks and whether they were completed
  • Notes taken by the Carer

💻What Else Can I See on the Portal?

By tapping on the menu icon in the top left corner of the portal, you can access all of the following information:

  • Overview– Medical Conditions, Latest visit, Documents
  • Profile– Personal information and Contact Information
  • Medical– Medication, and Medical Conditions
  • Visits– Past and Upcoming Visits, Notes and Tasks
  • Observations– Observations of Note from the last 14 Days

📽️Watch this video below to familiarise yourself with the layout of Care Line Live and where to find the information listed above:

So, When is the New System Going Live?

Of course, if you have any queries or concerns, please contact the office and we may be able to help!